
And truth comes sailing. All I can see is fragments
Pieces of love and comfort pushes like a gentle wave. And I surf into the beach still standing, when I do my walk on Earth

Sometimes truth seems fading. I can only create my own, based on the essence of that gentle push
This is my magic, my creation, based on what I see

Oh let me believe in Love
and see you

Art and Text by Swallows and Ladybirds

May 14, 2020


and you lay on the jetty
expecting to make love

and all he did

was to cut open your heart

and you were left there
with a wound
that looked like an instrument

and the bloody red became gold


Mar 30, 2020

Hot Air Balloon

When your heart bleeds
you tear it open 
and fold it into
a hot air balloon

and people travel 
in you
